Ask your question

In which checkpoints Ukrtransagent LTD is represented?

The whole list of Ukrtransagent representative offices you can find in “Contacts” section on our web-site. You can find phone numbers and e-mails of our representative offices and contact details of the corporate headquarter as well.


Which goods require financial guarantee in the form of a document during transit through the territory of Ukraine?

The list of the goods requiring financial guarantee is approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #461 (with changes).


Is it possible to make a cashless payment for provided services?

Ukrtransagent LLC affords its clients a possibility to make cashless payment for the services. To find out more about payment proceeding, you can receive by contacting the headquarters of our company or follow “How to become our partner” link on our web-page.


Which currency rate is applied if the price of the service is fixed in euro (EUR)?

If the tariff is fixed in EUR and the client wishes to pay in national currency (UAH), the currency rate of National bank of Ukraine is applied.


What is necessary for making cashless payments?

To make cashless payments it is necessary to conclude the Contract with Ukrtransagent LLC. To receive the information as for the documents which should be provided to do this, we recommend contacting our headquarters.


Which documents and information are needed to formalize T1 declaration?

Necessary documents for T1 formalization are the following: СMR, invoice, driver’s passport, registration certificate of the vehicle, customs ofiice of depature, customs office of destination, information about the points of border-crossing between the countries of transit (in case of transit to Turkey or Serbia).


What determines the price of T1 declaration?

The price of T1 declaration is determined by the amount of customs duties and the number of loading and unloading points.